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Is my device supported?Is your device is AT&T unlocked it will work with our plan. We can assist with devices that we have knowledge on.
Will my internet slow down during peak timesOur Enterprise have prioritariztion during peak times to keep using your internet at the higher speeds
I live in a rural area will this work for meAbsolutely, we specialize in areas where temporary cable never been establshed without the need od those annoying dishes or interrupted signal with the use of Wireless hotspots
How do I cancel my subscription?To cancel is very simple, you can message us or when next bill shows ignore and do not pay. You wont be penalized either way you cancel
How often will I be billWe will send you a bill 2 days before due date . If the due date falls on a hiliday or weekend you will be charge the day before. Bill cycle is every 30 days Accounts not paid will be disconnected automstically. To renew account activation plan will be charge again
What if i buy by mistakeUnfortunitely we prepay for this Enterprise lines and can not reimbuse the ammount we already paid
Why buy your device?Our devices are unlocked, programmed and set to work out of the box
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